On the wrong train

On the wrong train

I wasn’t paying attention tonight and I boarded the wrong train home. It looked like the right train, left from the same platform, but it took a different route.

There is a certain sense of surprise you can’t fake when you realise you are on the wrong line, like waking up in a strange bed not remembering how you got there.  Such was my feeling when the conductor disturbed by frantic laptop typing.

I collected my things and scurried over to the other platform to head back the way I came and transfer over to make my way home. I hopped off at the transfer station and waited the ten minutes before hopping back on a train that looked identical to the one I had boarded just 30 minutes ago.

Applying my experience to a life analogy, I talk to people all the time who question if they are on the wrong train. Some think they are heading to a certain destination when a life event taps them on the leg. Others hop off one train only to realise the train they board has the same issues as the one they left.

Whichever your situation, I would encourage you to look around to discover the benefits of the train you are on, no matter how short your journey. You never know whether you might find something like free train wi-fi to share your experiences with others.